The Reformatory of Digital Consumption
Reformatorio de consumismo digital
Roosevelt Roads, Ceiba,
Puerto Rico
18°12'40.7"N 65°38'30.0"W
Puerto Rico
18°12'40.7"N 65°38'30.0"W

CONSUMERISM is a modern social issue occurring not only in developed countries but also in developing countries due to social media outlets, advertisements, and mass production. Consumerism is defined as buying unnecessary goods to fulfill certain psychological needs.
The rise of consumerism can be substantially attributed to social media outlets, social pressure and the advance of AI technology. Starting with Facebook, Instagram and other platforms, influencers constantly post images of lavish lifestyles to maintain a certain social status. In fact, many bloggers and vloggers live off many followers by post fancy, unnecessary things. As followers, after being immersed by these false advertisements and glamorous pictures, they are mentally pressured to buy all these unnecessary objects.
Further, with the advancement of AI, data analysts track consumers’ shopping preferences and habits based on their online dossier. A lot of consumers are unconsciously victimized when computers “force” them to buy their “desirable” products. As a result, they will subconsciously spend their money on those advertised even beyond their capability to afford.
Our laboratory is dedicated to build an anti-monopoly system against all tech companies monitoring our behaviors; an database for potential regulation on influencers over all social media and a contemporary art working space advocating the seriousness of digital consumerism.

Influencer Encyclopedia Data Library
An accessible Influencer Encyclopedia by documenting, categorizing and assessing all influencers on social media. The data center is where we can keep track on the influencers and allow them to take responsibility for the words they choose.
Reverse Monitoring Data Center
We recruit data analysts to analyze tech companies and their actions on consumers. In order to have clearer, symmetrical exchange of information, we will generate and visualize the anatomy of how tech companies manipulate consumers using their personal preferences and records.
Indoor & Outdoor Gallery Gardens /Art Maker Spaces.
This is where we try to engage with the issue of digital consumerism with a different approach. Collaborating with contemporary
artists, we dedicate our outdoor area to be more interactive and expressive to what we believe.

The project simply began with my research on the building prototype - mat building. By abstracting the masses and analyzing the forms in presentation of landscape collages and
axons, I found some common qualities that these projects all share.
Most of the projects are designed and proposed in the 1960s to 1970s. Areas like Japan and Europe were experiencing tremendous social and economic growth. Mat buildings are one of the ways architects experiment for new was of living and efficient use of land. There are certain degree of indeterminacy of size and shape of the unit forms, flexibility of building use and mixture of programs. Contextual elements and landscape also play important role in this archetype.
From left to right, the projects below are Pasadena Heights(Kiyonori Kikutake), The Free University of Berlin(Candilis, Josic, Woods and Schiedhelm ), Vnice Hospital( Le Corbusier), and Masterplan de Polytechnique de Laussane(Mario Botta).